Over 800 Emergency Fire Dispatch Centers in the world use FPDS—making it the most widely used system in the world for dispatching fire calls.

Priority Dispatch 110 South Regent Street, 5th Floor Salt Lake City, UT 84111 USA

Priority Dispatch


Scenario:  Vehicle on Fire, Caller Inside



How do firefighters like FPDS?
As with any change, it can take time for Firefighters and other first responders to get used to FPDS. Agencies using FPDS report that Firefighters and other first responders react well to FPDS over time, reacting particularly well to how the information lays out on their MDTs, how the protocols get more accurate information to inform better response, and how quick updates made available by FPDS allow for tactical decisions to be made while en route to the scene. 



Will this slow down my Emergency Dispatchers?
FPDS cuts down on Emergency Dispatchers fishing for irrelevant, time-wasting information. When following the protocols, the right resources can be sent quickly, giving responders essential information while en route, saving valuable time and keeping crews safer while they work. The latest data obtained from our data center states that the average time to dispatch for incidents where life is immediately at risk is 57 seconds, with the highest acuity calls being dispatched in 29 seconds.


The latest version of the Fire Priority Dispatch SystemTM (FPDS® v8.0) is a landmark update of the Fire Protocols that meets the emerging threats your Emergency Fire Dispatchers deal with daily. This includes updates to 32 of its 34 protocols, two new Pre-Arrival Protocols, and a top-to-bottom modernization of the Fire Protocols to create the best possible response for your community.

Schedule a demo with one of our experts to see what FPDS can do for your Emergency Communications Center, learn how centers like yours are using FPDS right now, and get a quote tailored for your center size, coverage, and needs.

© 2025 Priority Dispatch Corp.



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The Most Advanced, Evolved Fire Protocols
Countless hours of research and feedback went into the top-to-bottom review of FPDS that led to the release of version 8.0. To bring the Fire Protocols in line with what centers like yours deal with every day, 32 out of 34 protocols were updated, with many undergoing significant evolution.

New Protocols for Health, Caller Safety
Brand-new in FPDS v8.0 are Protocol H (Medical Assessment and Treatment) and Protocol V (Vehicle on Fire (Caller Inside)). These protocols prioritize safety for callers and other civilians on scene and give Emergency Dispatchers tools to guide callers through dispatcher-directed bleeding control, basic trauma treatment, and airway positioning.


Scenario:  Sinking Vehicle


“We needed a tool to be able to handle larger brush fires as well as routine incidents like fire alarms and structure fires with a more standardized response. … We're able to utilize FPDS to adjust responses for different departments as needed, and it's nice to have that flexibility.”
Jordan Roberts, ENP
Assistant Emergency Communications Manager Cobb Fire Communications Center, Ventura County Fire Department
Camarillo, CA
Angela Potenziano
Airport Operation Manager
Tampa International Airport, Hillsborough County Aviation
Tampa, FL
“Quite a few of our employees came from the field and understood triage for medical calls, but didn't understand why we needed to triage for fire calls. When we started hiring people who didn’t come from the field, we realized there was a gap in their training. FPDS helped fill that gap. We implemented it successfully and it’s been amazing.”
“Our Fire Chiefs thought response times would go up. They were actually reduced due to efficiencies. We talked with them about how they would receive much more information prior to arriving at the scene. Those of us responding on the calls can literally make tactical decisions prior to arriving.”
Ron Two Bulls
Battalion Chief and Protocol Coordinator,
Northwest Central Dispatch System
Arlington Heights, IL 
“Our First Responders understand what we’re doing. They understand the Pre-Arrival and Post-Dispatch Instructions. They understand the system is designed to keep them safe. This changes the way they look at things—they don’t just see it as a whole lot of questions, but as pertinent information coming in a consistent manner that they can depend on.”
Teri Best
Pecos Valley Regional Communications Center
Roswell, NM 

Scenario:  HAZMAT


Agency Led, Academy Approved
Since the release of FPDS v7.1, 210 Proposals For Change have been submitted by users who work in centers like yours. After careful review and research, the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAEDTM) Council of Fire Standards and Fire Curriculum Board chose to implement 70% of those proposals.

Disaster Management Beyond Fire
FPDS v8.0 isn’t just good at dispatching for fire emergencies. Natural disaster, vehicle incident, and active shooter protocols are included in FPDS to make sure your community is covered, no matter the emergency.

A driver is inside their stalled vehicle. The vehicle has started on fire and the driver finds they can’t open their door.

How FPDS v8.0 Helps:
Because of the high-acuity nature of the call, a response will be dispatched as soon as the Chief Complaint is identified. The Emergency Dispatcher will then shunt over to special Pre-Arrival Instructions to help the caller identify the safest way to get clear of the vehicle and to safety while help is on the way.

Scenario:  Natural Disaster/Weather

A person calls in because their front window has been destroyed during a hurricane. Powerlines in front of their home have fallen.

How FPDS v8.0 Helps:
The Emergency Dispatcher taking this call will be given the exact questions needed to determine the urgency and severity of the call. FPDS’ weather and natural disaster protocol stratifies threats on three levels to allow for the possibility that help may not be immediately available due to an overburdened system. The call will be logged so it can be responded to by first responders in order of severity.

A driver is trapped inside their vehicle as it sinks in a body of water.

How FPDS v8.0 Helps:
After establishing where the caller and their vehicle are located, the equipment necessary for the response will be sent. While the help is on the way, FPDS will provide the Emergency Dispatcher with instructions to help the caller identify the safest way to get clear of the vehicle and to safety.


While cleaning out a storage unit, a person’s hands are exposed to a powdery substance that has left them itchy. Their skin feels like it’s burning.

How FPDS v8.0 Helps:
FPDS makes use of a unique protocol to help the Emergency Dispatcher determine the proper response for chemical cleanup and decontamination. They can then use special instructions to help the caller begin decontamination while responders are on the way.

How much does FPDS cost?
FPDS isn’t an emergency fire dispatch solution in a box. Your center’s needs are specific—the area you cover, how many Emergency Dispatchers and calltakers you employ, and dozens of other minor factors help determine how FPDS can meet your needs. It would be irresponsible to quote a price that might be wrong for your center’s needs. Schedule a quick demo with our experts so they can better understand what you need and provide you with an accurate quote.

How is this better than what I’m already using?
FPDS is the best option for Emergency Fire Dispatch because it’s built using the proven protocols built by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch—and no other system in the industry can say that. Countless hours of research and the real experiences of Emergency Dispatchers and leaders in public safety make FPDS’ Fire Protocols the best way to ensure that every response sent by your center is the best possible response.