Errors in dispatch lead to errors in response. Incorrect or insufficient information creates potential danger for Officers, victims and bystanders. 

The Police Priority Dispatch System (PPDS) guides Emergency Dispatchers through an end-to-end dispatch process that gets information efficiently, consistently, and accurately to send the proper response to every call.

See the Benefits of PPDS v7.0 
in an On-Demand Webinar

Watch subject matter experts Jason Barbour and Chris Bradford talk about what makes PPDS v7.0 different from its predecessors. 

The Priority Dispatch System is used in 153 of the 200 most populous cities in the United States.

“There is so much customization on the agency side. It’s got all the same science behind it as EMD and EFD. It’s the best practices with a little bit of decision making in there for how you want it to look for your agency – and it works.”

Karli Piper
Deputy Director
Cincinnati Emergency Communications Center
Cincinnati, Ohio

Questions? We have answers.

Priority Dispatch 110 South Regent Street, 5th Floor Salt Lake City, UT 84111 USA

Priority Dispatch


When the City of Cincinnati moved their Emergency Police Dispatch out of their Police Department into its own Emergency Communications Center, they recognized some needed changes to provide the highest level of service possible to their community. See how they leveraged the Priority Dispatch System to do just that.



“When a calltaker doesn't use the protocol because they say it would have taken too long, we run it again with the same dispatcher in different scenarios. We run it with the same protocol and time it against the live call. Each time, the protocol is always quicker.”

Nadine Zilke
Support Services Supervisor
St. Cloud Communications
St. Cloud, FL

“Due to the efficiencies of the dispatchers, we've seen a reduction in response times overall. They're able to process the calls faster with the questions right there for them. Those of us responding on the calls can literally make tactical decisions prior to arriving on the scene.”

Dana Heckman
Training Coordinator
Colorado Springs Public Safety Department
Colorado Springs, CO


Will protocols slow down the time to dispatch?
The Police Priority Dispatch System cuts down on Emergency Dispatchers fishing for irrelevant, time-wasting information. When following the protocols, the right resources can be sent faster, giving responders essential information while en route, saving valuable time and keeping crews safer while they work. The latest data obtained from our data center shows that the average time to dispatch for those incidents where life is immediately at risk is 57 seconds, with the highest acuity calls being dispatched in 29 seconds.

What information will officers get that they aren’t already getting?
Your officers can expect to get more complete and consistent descriptions of persons, vehicles, and weapons involved. With Jurisdictionally Approved Questions and Instructions, the flow of information to officers is up to local leadership.



Won’t protocols make my Emergency Dispatchers too robotic?
Having a protocol in place is the best way to get all your Emergency Dispatchers on the same page, applying the best practices to every call, and offering the highest level of service to your community. We give your team the tools and training needed to offer compassionate, consistent, efficient care – all while improving retention and reducing stress for Emergency Dispatchers.

Can I customize the system to the unique needs of my agency?
We work directly with you to get sign-off from key stakeholders, train Emergency Dispatchers and calltakers, and customize your system to best serve your community. We also welcome proposals for system-wide changes that would benefit everyone using the Priority Dispatch System.  


The Police Priority Dispatch System is the Most Flexible, Complete Solution for Emergency Police Dispatch

Preserve Crime Scenes
PPDS includes Post-Dispatch Instructions that walk Emergency Dispatchers and calltakers through best practices in crime scene preservation, helping minimize the impact that bystanders or callers can have on scenes before officers arrive.  

Stay Current
In its latest release, PPDS v7.0 incorporated over 200 changes suggested by our member agencies to ensure it meets the expectations and needs of centers everywhere. With two yearly updates, it’s the most current, up-to-date Police Dispatch solution in the world.

Leverage Unmatched Flexibility
PPDS has over 250 Jurisdictionally Approved Questions and more than 40 Jurisdictionally Approved Instructions that can be toggled on or off depending on community needs, resources available, and the kinds of responses agency leaders feel appropriate in pre-determined scenarios. 

Reserve Resources
Not every call is urgent and not every response requires the involvement of Law Enforcement. PPDS includes pathways to handle non-urgent or low-priority events using non-traditional responses or referrals, letting your agency focus your resources on calls with the highest priority. 

Prioritize Proven Protocols
PPDS is built on proven protocols developed through research by the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch, giving Emergency Police Dispatchers the exact words to use to gather accurate information about the scene every time, whether they’re brand-new or have been on the console for years. It reduces unconscious bias – when following the protocols, every caller is treated the same, no matter their gender, age, race, or location. 


For a convenient overview on the Police Priority Dispatch System, download the PPDS info sheet. It includes the big picture of what PPDS offers and the benefits it brings to Law Enforcement, Emergency Dispatchers, Community Leaders, and members of your community. It's an accessible introduction to all things PPDS.

Connect with our team of experts to get your questions answered, see the protocols in action, and learn how PPDS v7.0 can benefit your center and community.

© 2024 Priority Dispatch Corp.



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